Having a slightly old and cheap PC sitting in my front room running XP Pro I can turn it on and do what needs to be done very easily, but after a chat with a customer in my bike shop I decided to tale the plunge and drop Ubuntu onto my machine.
Dropping the OS on to a USB was easy using the instructions on the Ubuntu site as was getting it to boot, and its a quick boot! the OS runs off a 4gb san disc cruzer blade usb stick,
First impressions are that it is a very alien environment, the 12.10 was chosen for no reason other than it was the one I had been talking about. I found the software confusing to navigate but once I had had a few days of playing I had my XBMC set up and had worked out where most things were. However, my external HDD won't mount and I can't seem to get the internal one to mount either, the issues continue with the screen turning off after 10 mins or so.
I have searched the net for the solutions and chatted with the Ubuntu community on Google+ but I do not understand the language used! I am not a techno noob but this is so far beyond me!
It has only been a couple of days so far and overall I am rather impressed I just need some kind of idiots guide to sort out the 2 issues I have. I will persist however its so nice to be windows free for the first time ever!
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